Night Sky

Night Sky

When one of your very best friends is getting married, you know you have to make a quilt. Katie and Andy have been together many years, and despite efforts to get her to say yes, Katie never did in fear of her health condition getting the worst of her. In 2019, Andy surprised Katie after getting home from an evening with us. He had twinkle lights hanging from a tree with pictures of the two of them suspended on twine. Andy had the ring in his pocket the whole night. When they arrived home, he asked her to go on a walk with him as they often did. Katie almost said no to the walk. When they approached the tree, Andy turned the lights on by remote, pulled out the ring, and she said yes. Their wedding was planned for 10/10/2020 because of the uniqueness of the date. Their theme: A fall outdoor wedding with the reception in their empty barn. The moment I watched the Night Sky tutorial, I knew I had to make this quilt for them as their wedding gift. The name reminded me of the night Andy proposed under a clear, starry sky and twinkle lights. I chose an end of summer/early fall fabric collection, Last Bloom by Sandy Gervais for Moda. It was the perfect combination to represent their engagement and their marriage.

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Posted By CRobertK