Sweet Avery Rose

Sweet Avery Rose

Our son and daughter in law are expecting their 2nd daughter. She is due in March of 2018, but mom will need to be induced due to the fact that Baby Avery has a heart defect. I had recently watched the Beach Ball quilt with 'My Sister and Me'. I knew then I would have to make it for Avery. All my fabric was purchased through MSQC. I just loved it. I especially love the the 'Faith, Hope, Love' fabric I used as the background. Here is another funny. I have a small machine and quilting on it can be a chore to say the least. I was looking around for something to help with sliding the quilt around, when I came across the bag that the quilt back fabric came in. I put a couple of phone books next to my machine, taped the bag to the machine. The opening for the handles on the bag fit perfectly over the feed dogs! I taped the other end to the table, and away I went. It was nice and slippery. So fun.

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Posted By GmaBender