Dresden Plates

Dresden Plates

Another from the fabrics my Mom sent home with me. Scraps from my Grandma, Mom, and my stash that I cut into squares and put into bags by color. More in that later. Then wondered what to make, I did try to make other things from them, I think there is a blue one posted here. Then I saw Jenny’s tutorial called Checkered Dresden on the scrappy Dresden plate. So I stacked a 2.5 square and two 3 inch squares and then cut my “feathers” for the plates. And boy, did I not really care about colors other than it shouldn’t be the same or really clash. I appliquéd them to a giant piece of white. Then went on a mission to find a border print that was reminiscent of these older fabrics. Since I had all these big white areas I really wanted to try some of the big “arty” designs in my quilting. I sat and drew with my chalk pencil right on the quilt until each part of the design came together. What I learned, well as I hinted above, I won’t whack my scraps into squares, it really limited what I could do. I will drag out my sheet of stiff plastic and my water soluble marker and design on that.

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Posted By Jean57