Wildlife in the Tulips

Wildlife in the Tulips

My granddaughter has taken in her boyfriend’s younger sister. Then they bought a house. So, figured that young lady might like to have a quilt. I sent my daughter and granddaughter a picture of some polka dots fabrics and two ideas for quilts. She told me the young lady loves plants, cats and butterflies! Can you believe I got all three in one quilt! The butterflies are appliqué; so glad I only did six! I started quilting on the first tulip and realized I really didn’t have a great idea what to do. By the third one, they all seemed to be asking to be unique. And even the leaves got in on the act. So, while some elements might be the same the designs change by what that flower “told” me what it wanted. That’s my story and I’m sticking to it! I put a small meander between the flowers and a hook rose meander around the outer edge of the flowers. The green border is sewn like piano keys so I could pretend it looked like lawn mower markers.

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Posted By Jean57