Mini Flag #2

Mini Flag #2

Bill from facilities came to the office and admired the flag quilt. Gonna make him one. Got the red triangles done. Sunday, Nov 10: going downstairs to watch Broncos and sew some more white triangles. Friday, Nov 15: finished blue field. Monday, Nov 18: almost finished quilting - ditch for stripes and stars. May do echo around the stars. Size: 26" x 36" Sat. 11/30/13. 2 sides binding done. Completed, label states Made by Diane Zirin, 2013. Mon 12/2/13. Caught Bill (Gentry) as he was going down the hall, gave him the flag quilt. I think he is going to give it to his daughter that is in the Air Force. He was very pleased. He might bring me some chocolate fudge.

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Posted By dzirin