Glassj83709's projects Category Style Type Memory Wall Hanging 5" Square 2 1/2" Strips 10" Square Harley Davidson Used a Hankerchief and surrounded with fabric for retirement gift By Glassj83709 3 LIKES | 740 VIEWS Friendship Braid Another tutorial from MSQC using half hex ruler By Glassj83709 6 LIKES | 770 VIEWS JellyRoll Quilt Viewed and used MSQC tutorial. Of course mine are not as precise as others. By Glassj83709 5 LIKES | 786 VIEWS Ribbon Dance Wanted to try a JB's quilt! By Glassj83709 10 LIKES | 766 VIEWS Table Runner Left over blocks from Ribbon Dance quilt I learned from JB's YouTube. By Glassj83709 7 LIKES | 1028 VIEWS Lattice Inspired by Jenny. Cake mix templates and lattice projects. By Glassj83709 2 LIKES | 664 VIEWS Window Inspired by Jenny. Husband loves Farmall Tractors. Found the panel, made for Fathers Day. Little minor errors, but love the quilt! By Glassj83709 12 LIKES | 1007 VIEWS «12»