blbaughman's likes Dad and Mom Courtship quilt pattern. Bloomsbury cake layer. Made this for my parents. Pictures don't do it justice. By Bluebird1018 14 LIKES | 549 VIEWS Drunkards Path Table Runner First attempt at a Drunkards Path By Patchworkbarb 4 LIKES | 825 VIEWS X's and O'x Baby Quilt Quilt made for my niece's baby By keri 9 LIKES | 962 VIEWS Baby girl quilt My niece's baby girl By keri 3 LIKES | 659 VIEWS BOM Wedding gift for my son and his bride By keri 8 LIKES | 927 VIEWS Sock Monkey Quilt made from sock monkey fabric for my niece's son By keri 5 LIKES | 780 VIEWS Lap quilt BOM By keri 5 LIKES | 803 VIEWS Yellow Brick Road Lap quilt By keri 10 LIKES | 835 VIEWS Spring Pannel After a record breaking snow accumulation for our part of Montana, making this quilt was a fresh breath of spring! Made this for a wonderful young lady that my brother and sister n law adopted. By ChristyJ 14 LIKES | 1075 VIEWS Bazar projects Tried my hand at selling in our small town quilt show and craft bazar. It was super fun, but so much sewing! LOL By ChristyJ 13 LIKES | 1046 VIEWS Just Daffy This little quilt was made from the Scrap Crazy 6 template C. The entire quilt was made from fabric donated by a wonderful lady who was cleaning out her sewing room. Hope it makes a child happy! By plquilter66 3 LIKES | 486 VIEWS Irish Chain My children all got quilts that fit their beds, but when I was beginning, I didn't understand sizing, so Adam, in my mind, deserved one to fit his. This king was for Christmas 2017. By AbbieMolly 8 LIKES | 821 VIEWS «12...305306307308309310311...675676»