blbaughman's likes Activity blanket Our grand baby is such an active and curious 7 month old, I thought an activity blanket would be fun for her. By Victoria 11 LIKES | 2107 VIEWS Tote bag and side kick pocket size bag Using woven fabric for tote. Side kick is a "v" cut over lapped with a second colour By Victoria 11 LIKES | 984 VIEWS Another Baby Shower gift Baby quilt, along with pocket pillow for a book, diaper wipe & diaper case along with a hand sanitizer holder. By osbornec 24 LIKES | 666 VIEWS Sundrops A quilt I will donate to my local age care palliative ward. I try to make one to donate to them each month. The bright and cheery colours are well-loved in the ward, by staff and patients. I used yardage and a single charm pack (Moda Sundrops) for this. By Ulanibrin 6 LIKES | 832 VIEWS Naptime Blanket for Granddaughter My just 4yo granddaughter is a huge horse lover and rodeo rider. She already does barrels and poles at this young cute. I saw this panel and had to have it. Found charm squares to match to make it bigger. Used horse themed fleece for the backing. Figured this would be the perfect Pre-K nap blanket. By mandersonod 8 LIKES | 674 VIEWS Tee Shirt quilt Norris Lake I get the teeshirts and turn them into a quilt. Every quilt has a story, and when there are tshirts involved then you can really know the story. By Ann 13 LIKES | 834 VIEWS Scrappy Stars for baby Harper I love making scrappy quilts and this was the perfect pattern for a new baby girl. By Audioadi 19 LIKES | 603 VIEWS Bee Project VIII & Final I am so thrilled my high school friend from way back asked if she could purchase the Bee Quilt to give to a cancer survivor. She gave me so many compliments and told me the quilt spoke to her. We can't wait for this brave friend to receive the Bee Quilt! By Jkdp101 13 LIKES | 877 VIEWS Shelley's cat quilt My daughter, Shelley adopted orphaned cats. She asked me to make her a "cat quilt". I ended up with this. Top is almost done, needs one more border, then the long arm quilting and binding. By HRChristine08 7 LIKES | 445 VIEWS Texas Aggies We live 5 miles from the Texas A&M Campus. Some wonderful person donated a huge bag of fabric and these Aggie trademark fabric pieces were in the bag. Hope it finds a good home with a little future Aggie! By plquilter66 5 LIKES | 446 VIEWS Baby Quilt Created for baby Samatha. This is my first quilt. Sewn in 2018 By NPuffer 12 LIKES | 753 VIEWS Best Roundabout This quilt was completed at a workshop in Calif with Eleanor Burns in 2017. Great Workshop. I pulled most of my fabric from my stash. Great feeling to use your stash. By bruggsbunny 28 LIKES | 1101 VIEWS «12...361362363364365366367...675676»