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  • Window Pane Garden
    Window Pane Garden

    Remember the border print fabric from the 70's? They were used to make the Sheath dresses. In my Mom's stash was one cut out in blues and fabric for another in pinks. We thought they would make neat wall hangings. When the fabric popped to the top of the To-Do pile, I thought they would look the best as the window looking out to the garden. After a google image search I found one that more closely resembled the idea in my head. While the narrow strips and Y-seams were a bit challenging it was more challenging to make sure the sashings were perfectly lined up when putting it all together. Using my chalk pencil I transferred the intersections on the long white strips. It worked really well! I only had to adjust (unsew) one intersection! We will now have to go on fabric safari's to find the perfect border prints. We want them to resemble wallpaper in the room. Not sure what that is until we audition a bunch of fabrics! I am planning on stitch in the ditch for the sashings and will do a lot of stitching around the flowers in the garden. I sent my Mom the picture of the blue one and she immediately claimed it. Which is exactly what I expected to happen, What I didn't expect is she wanted another one in the pinks for my Aunt. Yikes! Had to go shopping for the fabrics as the first was created from bits of grays in my stash. I was able to create 5 kits with pattern out of the remaining fabrics. (just the window, no outside border fabric included) I have 1 of the blue and 2 of the pink left. See my profile for contact information.

    By Jean57
    Jean57 18 LIKES  |  744 VIEWS