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  • Stormy Snail
    Stormy Snail

    When my nephew announced his engagement, I contacted the bride to see whether she’d welcome a quilt, and if so, what would she like. She told me that blue and white would be great, especially a dark blue, since all of her favorite teams (Penn St, Duke, others) had that color combination. I searched around a bit and showed her some pictures from the Internet, and she picked out this one. I decided to use foundation/paper piecing because I felt it needed to be precise to make it work. I noodled around with graph paper, trying to figure out the design. A friend helped me by using EQ7 to create pdfs of the Storm at Sea sashing. Meanwhile, I used that sizing to create the Snail’s trail squares. I started with the darkest blue in the center, and worked my way out to the lighter colors. Once I finished all my squares (40 of them), I started on the sashing, and found I’d have to make some alterations to the color planning, since I was running out of the lightest blue fabric, and there was no more to be had. I did manage (by luck) to make enough sashing that was light/medium to allow the pattern to flow well. I made a production line of it, piecing all the squares, then the sashing pieces and mini squares. Then I trimmed them all to the proper size, and started putting them together in strips. I did get the main part of the quilt together before the wedding. I knew I needed to put a border on it, but only found the perfect batik at the end of July. I put an inch wide border of the darkest blue, followed by an inch of the white before putting on a 5 inch border of the patterned batik. My favorite long armer had it quilted in a week, and I was able to put the binding on it while watching the Summer Olympics.

    By nancileigh
    nancileigh 57 LIKES  |  1571 VIEWS
  • The Living Christ
    The Living Christ

    I was asked to create this almost 12’ by 12’ quilt for the Montgomery, Alabama Interfaith Nativity Exhibit. Traditional quilt block patterns were used to represent the figures of the Nativity and other events from the Savior's life (See Below for details). If I couldn't find one I liked then I designed my own.* Many of these sampler blocks were completed by my friends in the Sisters of the Cloth Quilt Guild. I designed and paper-pieced the figures of the Holy Family and then machine appliqued them in a quilt-as-you-go fashion. The star was paper-pieced before being sewn into the background. Including design and construction, this quilt took about 6 months to complete. It's large size required that it be assembled in pieces. The center panel (up to the red print border) was constructed in one piece. The sampler blocks were pieced separately and then sewn into border strips which were quilted before being attached. The center panel is actually a finished quilt and was even bound before the sampler blocks were sewn on. It was designed such that after the exhibit the border could be detached and the center used on a queen-size bed. I planned to construct a second queen-sized quilt out of the sampler blocks from the border, but we haven’t had the heart to take it all apart yet. (Completed, June 2014) The size and scope of this quilt are far outside my level of expertise. I really feel like I was guided from above in the design and completion of this project. If you’re interested, the blocks are each listed below with their symbolism and a corresponding scripture. Center Panel Border: Flying [Doves] (Holy Ghost) - John 16:13; Encircled in His Love*(God, the Father) - John 3:16. Sampler Border (Clockwise): Cross and Crown – Rev. 2:10; Shepherd’s Star* - Luke 2:20; [Angels] in the Air - John 2:13-14; Children of Israel - Exodus 13:21; Blindman’s Fancy (Miracles) - John 9:25; Hosanna - John 12:13; Maiden’s Delight (Mary) - Luke 1:46-47; Star of Bethlehem (Prophesy Fulfilled) - Micah 5:2; The Cornerstone - Ephesians 2:20-21; Star of the Magi - Matthew 2:1-2; New Star in the Heavens - Matthew 2:9-10; Golgotha - Matthew 20:28; The Mountain Peak (Sermon on the Mount/Teachings) - Matthew 5:1-2; Milky Way (Creator of the World) - Acts 14:15; Sunshine (Light of the World) - John 8:12; Carpenter’s Wheel (Joseph) - Matthew 1:19-20. Four Corner Blocks: He Lives!* (Based on New York Beauty, Symbolizes 3 days in the tomb and the promise to return as “King of Kings.”) - Luke 24:5-6. Merry Christmas!

    By CurlyQuilter
    CurlyQuilter 25 LIKES  |  1805 VIEWS