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Paul's Quilt

Paul's Quilt

I got this Van Gogh jelly roll in a MSQC Daily Deal - and it's gorgeous!!! Sadly, I really had not a clue what I was doing! I had washed my backing fabric and so, before putting everything together, I thought I just go ahead & wash the top after I got all the strips sewn together. What a MESS!!!! Several of my seams unraveled, and I had to just set it aside for a while. I finally just sucked it up, got out the iron and a roll of stitch witchery to stick the edges back together. It took FOR. EVER. There may have been tears. Finally it was done, and I decided to quilt it with just wavy lines to try to hide some of the quilts um...imperfections, shall we say? And that was a great decision. So was the decision to use the wrong side of the backing as the binding - LOVE IT!

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Posted By AMG