Milling Around

Milling Around

Quilt #20.  Milling Around was a kit from Connecting Threads dot com.  Connecting Threads is our go-to store for thread, 1200 yards on a spool for $3.49, and that is the regular price.  This is 50wt, 3 ply cotton in 141+ colors.  It goes on sale now and then for less than $2.50.  Moving on:  I made this quilt between Jan & March, 2020.  Finished size is 56X76.  Started at our annual January Quilting Retreat, fun for that type of event.  Batting is unbleached cotton from Hobbs Tuscany, backing is the perfect combo of colors and polka dots.  Large meander quilting for soft drape.  It's really cosy.  It matches the living room so I'm keeping it.       .......posted 101020.

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Posted By ArDeGar