Custom King Size Rainbow Sparkler Quilt
Meet Mr.Sparkles, a king-sized beauty! Oh, drat! Did you see the block that is turned wrong? Just kidding - they can be turned any direction and still be correct! Gotcha!! I love it all jumbled up. If I made this quilt for myself, I'd lay the blocks out totally random ... maybe ... if I had enough courage to break out of the expected! The quilt finished at 108" square and shrank to 104.5" x 106.5" when washed and dried in cool temperatures. This is not much shrinkage at all for this size of quilt. I've had queens shrink 5" each direction which is a big deal with today's thick mattresses where every inch of the quilt counts. This one likely didn't shrink "squarely" due to the pressure put on the quilt by the rollers in the quilting process when it is stretched in only one direction. I like the quilt top and backing snug when quilting.