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First Quilt - Double Wedding Ring

First Quilt - Double Wedding Ring

Believe it or not, this was my very first quilt. My youth leaders at church encouraged us to set goals and I decided to make my own quilt - one just like I had seen at grandma's house! My mom had taught me basic sewing in 4H, but that was about all the experience I had. Grandma sent me the templates and a box of scraps to add to my collection. I don't know why somebody didn't suggest that I start on something a little easier for my first project. Maybe they did and I just didn't listen! It took me several years to finish the top. The girls in my youth group got together to help me complete the hand quilting. I don't know that I would dare tackle this project now. Maybe I was able to do it because I didn't know enough to be afraid! (Completed 1992)

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Posted By CurlyQuilter