Just like a favourite uncles

Just like a favourite uncles

This is the second quilt i have made for my best friends' nephew. The first was made a few years ago when I first started quilting. Well that little boy grew and grew (as little boys are famous for doing :) Since that first quilt I have made one for his uncle, his aunt and his grand mother. Grandma says that he is not allowed to touch her quilt - he needed one to use at her house. Since he grew out of his first quilt I made one that is traditional, like his favourite uncles'. His uncle has the herring bone quilt, "An American Classic" - Block - Volume 1 Issue 3 in black and white. Our fast growing boy has "Jacob's Ladder" - Block - Volume 1 Issue 1 in a blue and white. As both are traditional patterns we hope he will love it as much as his uncle loves his.

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Posted By JemFleur