Necessity pin cushion, scissor holder
I've been working on sewing my hexies together. Stitch, knot, stick the needle in my pants, hunt for my scissors that I just had in my hands. Which fold did I stick that needle in? You know the drill. Anyway, I needed something to stick my needle in, something to hold my scissors, and some place to put my two pair of glasses. Because having one pair of glasses would make sense to most people, but I have a pair for distance and medium distance. I can't use either of them for close finger work. Setting either pair on top of my head ended up in pulling hair out, which after a couple of dozen times is no longer fun. I have to add... I had an old EOS lip balm container and some bees wax from a local beekeeper. That bees wax EOS container fits right in between the pin cushion and bottom piece. So now everything is truly handy!