Quilts Gifted – A little gift to women I’ve never

Quilts Gifted – A little gift to women I’ve never

A friend of mine travels annually on a mission trip to El Salvador. In the village she visited in 2018 is a women’s co-op that is one of the few ways for the local women to gain some independent income. They needed support for supplies so I suggested I make a quilt and we raffle it off in the US to raise funds to help support their work. It's the first time they have been able to give an actual cash donation to this group and we were thrilled to end up getting $600 in raffle tickets sold (we aimed for $450). The quilt is based on a piece in the September / October 2018 volume of Fons & Porter Love of Quilting : Kentucky Crossroads Quilt originally designed by Nancy Mahoney. For more about what I did and how you can read my blog post at

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Posted By KareemahHamdan