To A. , may her triangles always be tranquil
It took me a long time to decide on what to make for A. She has so many different likes and preferences I had to look carefully for something that would suit her. Luckily I had purchased the perfect fabric (just didn't know i at the rxact moment i put it in my cart) and I knew it would be perfect for her. I used Villa Romana Peacock Colorstory Metallic by Studio RK for Robert Kaufman. Just needed a pattern. A is very cerebral and though she likes this that have traditionally been labeled feminine, she's not a froofy ruffle girl. Clean lines seem to suit her best. Since I do not own a long arm set up, I needed something I could do QAYG. When I saw Jenny do Tranquil Triangles in a tutorial, I knew that was the one. Once again one of my sisters was going off on an adventure, not as far as H but still a few hours away so I wanted to get it done before she left for Grad school. Didn't quite make it but it was done by the time she came home for Thanksgiving .