My personal crown jewel

My personal crown jewel

My love for quilting began nearly 40 years ago, when I ventured into making a block quilt for my Mother and also my Mother-in-Law. While they were useful as quilt, they were far from refined. But they loved it. Moms are like that. But it also lit a desire in my heart to make more quilts. Over the years my love of quilting has grown and produced nearly 100 quilts, all but four of them have become gifts for friends and family - wedding, baby, special occasions, and just as a gift. One day I was browsing the internet to find a pattern and found the Missouri Star Quilt Company and Jenny Doan. My husband would say I'm addicted to the website, as over the years I've spent a lot of time browsing the patterns and fabrics. My latest project is the highlight of this post. This is Jenny's Crown Jewels pattern, which I found in the tutorials. I finished the top for this quilt nearly a year ago, and it sat in my quilting studio ever since ... every time I went in there I would see it sitting there, waiting for me to pick it up and add the binding. Not that i didn't want to finish it ... but sometimes life events just prevent, and we lost my husband's beautiful Mom at 93 years old. Well, today I finally finished it. Thank you Jenny Doan for creating this beautiful pattern.

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Posted By LynnJH