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Around the World

Around the World

I have been making quilts for each new grandniece or nephew. My first quilts were simple designs as I was just learning to quilt and coordinate fabrics. A salesperson at the local shop was trying to help and found one, and then another, panels on clearance. She tried so hard to help, I felt obligated to buy what she brought me, thinking "what in the heck am I going to do with these?" It took me almost a year of searching the internet for ideas and coordinating fabrics to get this together. I cut one panel of squares (the cities) apart and added yardage for the top and borders. The second panel was a world map which I used for the backing--2 quilts in one. Turned out to be the favorite of the 5 quilts! I had it quilted with simple meanders lines to enhance the travel theme.

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Posted By Marge44