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Prairie Pinwheels in bloom

Prairie Pinwheels in bloom

Quilt Name: “Prairie Pinwheels in Bloom” Designer: Mara Hasbargen Plagiarized from the pinwheel pattern found the on Pintrest and the stem pattern from “My Fabric Garden” in the Feb. 2013 issue of “Quilters World Magazine”. Size: 56 x 62 Machine Quilted By: Carla Eggerstedt Date Constructed: The top was made at the May 2013 Quilt Retreat The hand stitching on the binding was completed August 2013 This was fabric I had in my stash for many years. When I went to the retreat, I had no plan, other than I had these pieces of fabric that I wanted to try the continuous Prairie Point, and the Origami Pinwheel ideas I had found on Pintrest. I made the Prairie points first. Making the Prairie Points in a continuous strip was very easy and went quickly. This is the first time I have ever made my binding before I even had a plan for the quilt it would go on. I was practicing the origami pinwheels, not knowing what I was going to do with them when we found the pattern in the magazine that would make perfect stems. I did the math to resize my pinwheels from a 4” block to a 7” block so they would fit the stem block pattern. While I was making this quilt I discovered I had made a mistake and a row of stems had the leaves going the opposite direction. I decided to make every other row "wrong". I think it gave the quilt more character. I added the pearls in the center of each pinwheel to give it a more finished look. After I added the first pearl, it was evident that the “Flowers” needed them. This quilt was fun to make!

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Posted By Marla