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Esther's Hummingbird Quilt

Esther's Hummingbird Quilt

This quilt was started in the 1930's and was passed from hand to hand until it reached my hands. Most pieces were cut and some were assembled with not quite enough fabric to finish. I searched for more original 30's and finished the quilt using a reprint for the border. The pattern is called Hummingbird. Esther was an older adult in a quilting group at our local senior center in Oregon, IL. She was in her mid eighties when I became the recreation coordinator for the older adults. She and others in the group were determined I would be a quilter and they did eventually succeed. This quilt project was given to Esther's mother in a small box, passed on to Esther's sister, then to a cousin before coming to rest in Esther's project closet. She gifted me with the box and I was able to finish it before Esther passed away in her late nineties. The gift came with lots of love and years of encouragement with much more in life than just quilting. God gives me a special blessing in the hours spent with other quilters. I love rescuing UFO's (un-finished objects) thinking of the hands and hearts that started something so very special. Happy quilting.

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