For Bob & Helena

For Bob & Helena

I have friends who lost everything they own and nearly lost their lives in the chaos of the Camp Fire in northern CA. They had lived in their house for more than 30 years. While escaping from the flames Bob received second degree burns requiring skin grafts and Helena's service dog has sever burn injuries on paws which -- thankfully -- have healed well. When authorities were able to go back to their remote neighborhood, they found two of their three cats; one was dead, but one wasn't. She was unharmed. The other cat hasn't returned home. I have several quilt tops made and stored away because I liked the collection and one of Jenny's tutorials inspired me. This was one of those creations. I can't even remember making it, but obviously I used the MSQC Easy Zipper lessons. I wanted them to have something that looked a little aged because they lost everything. And everything they get to replace their lives will look brand news most likely. This was such a lovely antique looking line, I just pray it will provide them with some comfort as they rebuild their lives. I hope they like it.

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Posted By SandyC