Mom's secret quilt

Mom's secret quilt

Recently, we moved my dad into an independent living community from the house he shared with my mother until she died. It literally took an act of God to get him to a place where he was safe. He just didn't want to leave the last place he lived with Mom until she died is 2011. While emptying out the house, my sister found the blocks for this quilt stuck in the back of the closet. My mother never made a quilt to our knowledge. The pattern was from the Family Circle Magazine from 1977. She had traced the leaves with an ink pen and cut the blocks with a yard stick. The scrappy fabric is from clothes my sister, mother rand I made when we were young. In fact, there's fabric from the first dress I ever made 56 years ago. Patience was not a virtue my mother enjoyed. Looking over the appliqué was frustrating her, I can see why mom didn't finish it. So I finished it for dad for Christmas this year. The pattern began with the following instructions: Get a used but not worn bedsheet. I don't know that it can be used -- we aren't sure it was stored inside all the time. Living in the Arizona desert, we worry that time and possibly location might make it fragile. But, it was mom's and dad loves it. The last picture is of the cover of the magazine.

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Posted By SandyC