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For my Yankee Doodle Hubby

For my Yankee Doodle Hubby

My hubby is always so patient when I drag him to quilt shops. He usually finds a comfortable spot to sit and check his email with his smart phone. Last June however hubby's eye was caught by a display of Essential Gems strip packs from the Yankee Doodle line. He grabbed a pack and one of the free patterns and brought them to me asking if I could make him the flag wall quilt. I was so surprised by his request and immediately told him that I not only could but would be happy to make it for him. When we got home, I put my other projects aside and set to work on his flag. It was a super easy pattern that went together flawlessly. I was able to finish it in plenty of time for him to hang it proudly from the flagpole on our porch on Independence Day!

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Posted By Sewnread