Kenyan Missionaries Album CRAZY EIGHTS Quilt

Kenyan Missionaries Album CRAZY EIGHTS Quilt

This quilt was from a pattern I found online. I found the fabric on the sale pile in Ben Franklin in Winterset ,IA (home of Fons and Porter). This is a real old fashioned store where it is like walking back into the 40's! They have great fabric there. I did not know what to do with the quilt top and it layed around my home for a while. One day it was just like God put in my mind to make it up for 2 young missionaries in Kenya- a new female Dr and nurse doctorate team who are married. They work in a hospital in Chogoria. My thoughts also told me to have the entire church sign it in those blank white squares- they were just calling out for signatures. When Nathan and Amy came in for Christmas they were presented with the big surprise and Amy said there were times when she had in her mind that we all must just forget about them...being so far away and gone from our sight.... The church was so enthusiastic when they each signed the quilt to. It was signed when it was just individual squares and made a great Album quilt! It is now on their bed in Kenya. I found out afterwards that Amy likes red! Truly a meant to be gift.

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Posted By SusanChinouth1