Sweet Pea Rag Quilts

Sweet Pea Rag Quilts

I made it using Sweet Pea Favorites Flannel 10" Squares and Country Road - Dapple Moonlight Tonal Black 108" Wide Flannel Backing (cut in 10" squares). Super Easy. I will be making another one so both my granddaughters will be cozy warm this coming winter. Washed and dried 3 times, looks a little wrinkly, but am sure it will look better if I take it out of the drier right when it stops this time :) Note to self, purchase proper scissors for cutting all the seam allowances, don't want blisters again.Note to self: (either from the backing or from the black 10" square from the layer cake itself) the black has leaked to the white square, as I notice they are a bit dull, greyish now that it has been washed a few times.

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Posted By Terrilene