Bonnie Hunter's

Bonnie Hunter's "Moth in the Window" pattern quilt

Update: I just finished hand binding this quilt. I quilted with Wasatch Quilting design called "Daisy 2021" with Omni Fountain Mist and Warm and Natural. - My quilt guild had two workshops with Bonnie Hunter in April 2017. I started this quilt in one of those workshops. I made this quilt top for my friend/neighbor that loves butterflies and moths. Her favorite color is green. I started making green blocks in the workshop. My friend went to a quilt shop with me and loved a colorful batik sample quilt on the wall, so I alternated batik blocks with the green blocks. I didn't sash the blocks like the pattern, changed the border to piano key and added a moth in each corner of border. I hope to quilt this top tomorrow. 78" x 86"

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Posted By blbaughman