Scrap Buster

Scrap Buster

Update here as I found the name of the vest panels. I used two panels and they were called County Bears At Heart Kid's Vest. Designed by Leslie Beck. This lap quilt was longarm quilted by Karen Marchetti. This quilt made from the beginnings of the 365 quilt a pattern on-line from Austria whereby you made a quilt square each day for a year. I made it though the first week of March 2016. I didn't know what I would do with them so set them aside thinking maybe I'd finish it sometime. Not Likely. LOL! Then this year I decided I needed to rid myself of things I have brought home from church that have been donated. Mega stack of vest panels had these at least 7 years now. So this is made from the 365 items I finished and two vest panels. The large part of the quilt is the back of each vest, the rest cut up to fit in between my 365 squares which were 3 inches square. I added some other stash to enlarge the quilt to be a lap quilt or a wall hanging and the back was matching material sort of from church stash also. I purposely put one vest back upside down so if on the lap you see one right side up and a person looking at you sees the other large part right side up. I find I like it and putting in the craft church sale but may purchase it back myself.

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Posted By caf7carq