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Mister Sandman

Mister Sandman

This is the first quilt that I ever made. My Mom and Grandmother had done quilting before I was born and I always found myself intrigued by quilting. I was working at a library in Iowa at the time and a local quilt shop did some programs on making quilts at my library. They brought some fabric samples, including a Harvest Moon by Kansas Troubles layer cake. I fell in love with the fabric and decided I needed a new hobby. I found the Mister Sandman pattern in the book "Piece of Pie" by Pie Plate Patterns. I thought the pattern and fabric were a great match. I picked up a sewing machine and started chugging away. I made a good number of mistakes, but I learned so much. I finally finished the quilt top after I moved to Maine. I had a local person machine quilt it for me (which I kinda regret not doing it all myself). I'm so pleased with the project and have already started more quilts.

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Posted By dj-bookworm