Binding Tool Star Quilt
My daughter loves purple, so she picked out a kit that she liked for me to make. When I finally pulled it out to make it, she decided she didn't like it at all. So it was back to the drawing board. I got out my Block magazines and we started looking through the different quilts. She decided on the Binding Tool Star Quilt. Of course I didn't have enough fabric and the hunt was on for purple batiks. I looked here near home, on-line, and on trips to Wisconsin and Maine. Finally I had what looked like the makings of a purple quilt. Never in my wildest dreams did I imagine it would turn out so well (in fact, I was a little skeptical). My daughter, who is an artist, has a good eye for color and had no doubts at all. Did I mention my daughter has Down Syndrome? Well, here is the quilt and we hope you think it's as gorgeous as we think it is.