Yello brick road

Yello brick road

My son wanted to make a quilt. We found a class for him to take. I had to be there with him because he was taking a class with seasoned quilters,(all in their 60's and 70's), and he was 9 at that time. ( Today he is 22). I believe the quilt He would be making was "yellow brick road". He decided his quilt would be a gift for his father and me. So, the quilt was queen size. He had no doubts he could make this. The ladies in his class were amazed at his skills, not being intimidated, and a bit jealous. See not one of them were making a quilt this size. They made baby quilts, wall hangings, and table runners. My son made his quilt and had it quilted for us. It is beautiful. With the fabric left he started but was not able to finish several more blocks for another quilt just like ours. It was to be for his bed. Many years have gone by now and the blocks had never been seen into that quilt for him. For Xmas 2015, I put those blocks together and surprised my son with the quilt. He was blown away that I did this for him. Now we have matching quilts.

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Posted By ltdurm