Tipsy Tumbling Elephants
I received an invitation on July 9 for a baby shower on July 23. Uh oh! I thought I had plenty of time. The baby isn't due until late September. I remembered the Tipsy Tumbler quilt and thought it would be quick to put together. I used 6 1/2" tumblers instead of 5". I also turned some tumblers with the narrow end at the top to mix it up a little. I quilted inside and outside of each tumbler. This made an interesting pattern on the back, as well. I am thrilled with the result. The nursery colors are gray and white and the parents are not finding out the gender before hand. With this information, I landed on a theme of elephants and a grey, yellow and mint color scheme. All of the fabrics are flannel. I also made a 'dog bone' pillow and covered a Babar story book with the same fabric as the back of the quilt. It turns out that Babar was one of the father's favorite stories as a child. The set was very well received.