Danny’s Star
I’ve been quilting as a hobby for over 10 years now, right after my husband retired he asked if he could make a quilt. Sure, let’s pick a pattern and some fabric. The next day he went right to work on cutting out the pattern pieces. By the time I came home from work he was ready to learn how to sew the pieces together. Each day I came home that week he had more to show me. To be honest I was getting a bit jealous he had more sewing time than I. By the end of the week he had finished the quilt top, and it was beautiful. This guy has a knack for sewing quilts. As time goes by he now has several quilts completed and he is getting better with each new quilt. One day my MSQC Block arrives in the mail and he meets me with the book opened to the binding tool star quilt. He wants to make that quilt and he did. He took the left over strips and made an incredible border!