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Tina's Good-bye Quilt

Tina's Good-bye Quilt

I am an Air Force wife and I've met lots of extraordinary people in our travels. Currently, we are stationed in Northern Japan. The Air Force has a program called the Key Spouse program. Basically, a few selected Active Duty spouses undergo training to provide support to spouses and families of deployed service members. When I was brought on, our squadron was receiving a new First Shirt and his wife was going to be running our Key Spouse program. She became a mentor to me and taught me how to take care of our families and about living a life of service. Well, her husband retired from the Air Force after 26 years and I offered to make Tina's gift from myself and the other Key Spouses. It took me a month to make and I put the last stitch in the binding at 1:30 a.m. the night before we were presenting it to her at their farewell dinner. She loves it so much and I was proud of myself for not crying. Even though I'm not the best machine quilter, I am proud of how it turned out.

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Posted By smariem80