Unique Collaboration

Unique Collaboration

I found 5 probably orphan blocks of these dolls that had been applique by my Grandmother when cleaning out an old trunk of mine. Grandma always made the family quilts. She hand pieced them and hand quilted them. My sister and I each have full size quilts made of blocks similar to these. I spent a lot of time with Grandma and was always playing under her quilt frames and creating something from her scraps. Grandma has been gone for over 30 years so these blocks are at least that old. I imagine I snatched them from her "scrap pile" one day and brought home to do something with. They got packed away and forgot about I recently discovered them. It was a challenge because the colors don't go together the best and what do you do with 5 odd blocks? They were all quite large - approx. 18X24 so I decided to set them together in a 9-patch fashion. The next challenge was what colors to use that would go with all the dolls yet not over power them so Grandma's handwork stayed center stage. It took many trips to my local fabric stores but I finally found something that I liked. I stripped and pieced the blocks together. Then called on an old friend who I had seen post various pictures of her quilt creations on facebook. She introduced me to her friend who quilts and I made a new friend :) After several months, the project was complete and I have a treasure that Grandma and I created together :). Oh what I would give if she were here to see it.

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Posted By sreames