Baby Mave’s quilt
My daughter asked me to make this prayer quilt for her best friend’s baby granddaughter. Seems little Mave has a health problem, so prayers are requested. Anyway, the mom of little Mave likes purple and I like pinwheels-lol I decided to spend a little extra time quilting, while thinking of Mave. I love how the quilting shows on the back! I don’t love the fact that ‘sometimes’ my purple bobbin thread would show at needle holes on the white front, even though I would re-adjust tension on my long arm. I used purple bobbin and white top threads. I meant to wash it before giving, to see if the stitches would look better or sink in more, but I forgot to before I added the ties. It will have to be washed after all prayers are said and threads tied. I think they will like it, my daughter and I do. Have a nice day!