Double Slice-daughters 1st quilt top

Double Slice-daughters 1st quilt top

When our daughter (almost 50) said she wanted to make a quilt with some Christmas fabrics she bought long ago, I suggested Jenny’s Double Slice. As her first quilt top ever I thought this wouldn’t be too stressful for her, because the only seams that need to match were the block seams, when joining the rows. I am so proud of her! I quilted and put the binding on and now waiting for her to see. I am always unsure of thread color. I didn’t have a bright red, so I had to use a maroon color. I think it is ok and when it’s washed, the stitches will sink more. It came out 55x72 inches after quilting. Oh, I also told daughter that her outer border looks like lace!-lol There is a YouTube video but it won’t let me add the link here so Type in Double Slice quilt tutorial by Missouri Star and it should come up on YouTube search.

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Posted By toogie