Floating Pinwheels-Moda fabrics
Because I mostly make charity quilts, someone gifted me this older Moda fabric. I don’t mind it’s an older line and neither will the recipient. The blue border and backing along with the white background I bought. I could not figure how to continuously outline the 4 blades of the pinwheels without back tracking when I quilted. I stippled the white background and blue border. I took so many pictures of this little quilt because it photographed well. -lol- I wish I could show you. I think the mom will be surprised and I hope she likes it. Size is about 57 inches square and here’s the site the pattern is on and the video. I didn’t buy the pattern just watched the video. I didn’t want all that background white space on the corners so I added the blue color border, like the blue backing. 6-23-2023 Toogie https://www.quiltingdaily.com/product/floating-pinwheels-quilt-pattern-download/