In Flight Pinwheels

In Flight Pinwheels

I had to name my top so because of the eagle that’s flying I thought he could spin the pinwheels-lol Another member of my group sent me a photo of a scrappy pinwheel quilt to figure out the block. The block was very easy. The multicolored strips in the center are different widths to make a 4.5 x 8.5 section. You then snowball a 2.5 square to one end of 2 strips that measure 2.5x8.5. Sew each of these snowball strips to top of vertical strips at top and bottom. The white snowballs are all sewn the same by placing the square on an end and sew horizontally from top left of square to bottom right. When 4 blocks are placed together it forms a whole pinwheel. Tomorrow will go to quilter for another vet. Size is 65x81 and #43 for QOV.

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Posted By toogie