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Sunshine on a Cloudy Day

Sunshine on a Cloudy Day

I have always wanted to make an Amish quilt and when I saw this pattern made with white used instead of the black I seized the opportunity to make this quilt with my own twist. I had inspiration from the book shown below and found a pattern that I thought i could adapt. I love the fact that I didn't see the complete design until I had sewn the rows together. I honestly didn't see the "rays" until I had taken a picture of it spread out on the floor. When I have trouble seeing if all the pieces are exactly where I want them I take a picture of it on my phone and I get a completely different view. Lots of times I will change the arrangement based on the photo. This quilt is super easy-just half square triangles. In fact I made twice as many as I needed so now I can make another one.

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Posted By travelbug2beach