BethH's projects Category Style Type Batik Baby Queen Lap / Throw 2 1/2" Strips 10" Square 5" Square Lt. Bates' Baby Quilt quilt made for a first time mom, also an Air Force Officer By BethH 7 LIKES | 669 VIEWS UFO Around the World not quite complete.... still on the wall By BethH 5 LIKES | 581 VIEWS UFO Purple Blueberry a jelly roll race that not quite finish yet... By BethH 2 LIKES | 561 VIEWS Hope's quilt it off the wall now, but unfortunately did not get the finish picture. I will have to ask my niece to send one later. It was her graduation gift. By BethH 8 LIKES | 624 VIEWS Pauline's quilt a friend quilt By BethH 1 LIKES | 530 VIEWS Pink Polkadot quilt for a military woman as a going away present... she was retiring from the service By BethH 13 LIKES | 1290 VIEWS Braylon's quilt for a baby boy at church back in Missouri By BethH 2 LIKES | 599 VIEWS Alex's baby quilt my youngest... very simply made By BethH 1 LIKES | 524 VIEWS Amy's quilt another jelly roll race By BethH 2 LIKES | 519 VIEWS Baby Pink Quilt for a baby at work By BethH 6 LIKES | 918 VIEWS Megan's quilt another jelly roll race By BethH 3 LIKES | 838 VIEWS Molly's Bear Claws my sister's quilt By BethH 5 LIKES | 747 VIEWS «12»