cml18235's projects Category Style Type Traditional Holiday Other Modern Primitive Lap / Throw Twin Other Table Runner Wall Hanging Double 10" Square 5" Square 2 1/2" Strips 1 1/2" Strips Fabric By The Yard Other Strawberry Fizz Made this from a kit for a quilt raffle. By cml18235 11 LIKES | 588 VIEWS 2018 QOV Quilt My first QOV quilt to be awarded through my LQS on Memorial Day! By cml18235 10 LIKES | 874 VIEWS Jaws Tote Bag/Shark Pencil Case Set My grandson just loves Jaws and sharks. He's been using tote bags I made for my daughter and asked me for a "boys" tote bag for himself, LOL!! This is what I came up with!! By cml18235 7 LIKES | 823 VIEWS Holiday Magic Love the Magic Diamonds pattern. Here is my Christmas version. It won Best of Show at me County Fair!!! By cml18235 37 LIKES | 1388 VIEWS Turkey Day Table Runner Thanksgiving is my fav holiday. I love the food and togetherness with family without the hustle and bustle of Christmas (which I love as well). When I saw this pattern I just had to make it!!! LOL!!! By cml18235 12 LIKES | 771 VIEWS Fall Country Halloween quilt for my granddaughter for Christmas 2017. Thought the flannel would be nice and warm for football games and hay rides!! This quilt won First place at my local county fair!!! By cml18235 9 LIKES | 937 VIEWS Mr. Bones Wallhanging My 5 year old grandson loves skeletons. He picked out this panel and wanted me to make him a quilt. The quilting is spider webs with spiders crawling on it. For Halloween 2017. By cml18235 6 LIKES | 707 VIEWS Skylander Frenzy My grandson loves Skylanders. This quilt is for him for Christmas 2017 By cml18235 5 LIKES | 845 VIEWS Fantasy Romance My daughter loves the color purple. This quilt is for her for Christmas 2017. By cml18235 7 LIKES | 891 VIEWS Grinch Advent Calendar Made for my granddaughter for Christmas this year using a kit. By cml18235 5 LIKES | 901 VIEWS Purdue Improv Totes For Christmas last year I made my granddaughter a Purdue Quilt. I made these Improv totes with the leftover Purdue fabric!! By cml18235 2 LIKES | 740 VIEWS Jan-Feb Reversible Placemat-Tote Set Installment 4 of a year of Reversible Placement/Tote Sets for my daughter By cml18235 4 LIKES | 790 VIEWS «123»