wendig77's projects Category Style Type Other Modern Batik Art Queen Lap / Throw Twin Other Baby 2 1/2" Square Fabric By The Yard 10" Square 5" Square Other 2 1/2" Strips BELINDAS MASTER BEDROOM QUILT THIS IS A QUILT I HAD STARTED AND WAS NOT FEELING IT AND MY SISTER BELINDA WAS IN LOVE WITH IT, SO WE FINISHED IT FOR HER. IT TURNED OUT BEAUTIFUL By wendig77 15 LIKES | 924 VIEWS Lewis and Cindy I had bought this fabric, not quite sure what to do with it, but after laying it different ways. I came up with very simple but very fun pattern. By wendig77 7 LIKES | 616 VIEWS this one is for me I loved the Ribbon dance Jenny did, So I took the pattern and made it mine, with very dramatic colors By wendig77 5 LIKES | 576 VIEWS SUAVIE ISLAND DONATION QUILT THE SCHOOL MY GRAND KIDS GO TO HAS A MASCOT OF EAGLES. SO WE WATCHED THE MAN SEWING DIAMONDS, STARS AND STRIPS AND JENNY DOING DIFFERENT BORDERS FOR PANELS AND WE CAME UP WITH THIS USING LARGE PANEL AND 1/2 SQUARES, QUICK EASY AND SO MUCH FUN. By wendig77 3 LIKES | 596 VIEWS Brittneys wedding quilt Brittney is a very sweet girl who loves anything, this was one of my first times sewing by myself, with out any help By wendig77 6 LIKES | 870 VIEWS Wedding quilt I made this for my nephew and his new bride, they met on the beach. As you can see Sadie was very helpful when we were trying to tie it. lol By wendig77 6 LIKES | 873 VIEWS JOES QUILT Have wanted to try this pattern for a long time. Love the way it turned out. ( even if I don't like the team). By wendig77 3 LIKES | 763 VIEWS placemats for my daughter I loved these colors. First try at placemats. Have had to make many more since then. By wendig77 3 LIKES | 867 VIEWS Brittany's quilt This is probably my favorite quilt, We made this for my friend Brittany and her new baby. We just made it up as we went, which is sometimes the funnest way to go. By wendig77 4 LIKES | 741 VIEWS Ephriam's quilt My nephew it a great musician and poet and just got his Doctorate in English, so I thought this was perfect for him. By wendig77 9 LIKES | 971 VIEWS Attic windows fish I made this for my newest grandson, His dad is a big fisherman, he also go a fishing pole in his basket. As you can see I do not like small baby quilts, I like them to grow with the baby. By wendig77 4 LIKES | 662 VIEWS linc donation We used Jenny's video to make this quilt and stitch in a ditch quilted it, it was fast but not 45 minutes like Jenny, but we had a lot of fun making it. By wendig77 6 LIKES | 872 VIEWS «12»