My son's 30th birthday present
My son wanted a bed quilt and when I showed him the feathered star I had just started for fun, he decided that the wanted feathered stars. I had fussy cut all the pieces for this star and enjoyed working on it but when we talked about a full bed quilt, I felt overwhelmed. At first I said OK but as I worked on the one I had started, I decided I just couldn't do a bed quilt of feathered stars. I'm almost 70, my mom was diagnosed with Alzheimer's in her early 70s and I didn't want to leave his quilt unfinished. So I finally told him that he'd have to chose another pattern. When he saw the finished feathered star, he said he wanted it because I'd made it for him, right? So I gave it to him for his 30th birthday. I'm now working on his second choice patter, with 52 pieces per block instead of 121.