Flowers on Point
This is the REAL flowers quilt. My Aunt saw it somewhere and sent me the picture asking for a queen sized bed quilt. We tried finding the pattern but failed so I winged it! On our belated annual visit I took all of the flower blocks so she could do the layout. She also along with the whole entourage picked out the borders and backing. I’m really into what I call infinity binding. Using the same fabric as the last border so your eye just keeps going. It isn’t dominated by a suddenly different fabric. It may not show well, but I stitched around each petal with matching color of thread, then did a center with a gold thread, the white background has a hook feather I like to use as a filler, and last the border…recently a pretty butterfly meander came to my attention. I was able to enlarge it on my iPad, then trace the butterfly to get a stencil I just traced around with a chalk pencil as I went.