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A MIX BREED, OOPS - A MIX QUILT, "GoodNight Irene"

My nephew, Luke and soon to be niece, Becka are getting married. For Becka's shower I wanted to make them a quilt. We had a craft night in painting her seating arrangement birds. She had all fall colors. When I came across Moda, Tiger Lily Batiks, I knew this was going to be the colors of her quilt. I finally decided on the pattern to be the "Goodnight Irene Quilt" because of the lovely story behind it. {{MSQC Block Magazine Spring Vol 2. Issue 2}} The deadline date to complete this quilt was coming closer than comfort. All the blocks are made, money was short, experience shorter, therefore, A Mix Quilt was born. The blocks were sewn as a Quilt as You Go. {{ When sewing them together didn't work. }} I decided to sew them together as a Fun & Done Pattern with a little adjustment. This adjustment was sewing the sashing to the back of the quilt not the front. (( I wanted to cover the least amount of the Batik fabric.)) I did use the Fun & Done Technique to do the binding. I am now going to wrap this special gift.

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Posted By MegaPurplette