Christmas Table Runner & Placemats - UFO Busting

Christmas Table Runner & Placemats - UFO Busting

My motivation was a Get Well Package for my Cousin. This led to a home for my UFO's. My cousins loves placemats and table runners - what a good home for a scrap busting project - trying to make room for more scraps with Christmas Projects of 2016 just around the corner. The cycle of quilting. It is a great sense of accomplishment when you actually finish projects. Would I do this project again? If you asked me last year, I would of said,"NO." because the pattern was too busy. BUT, a year later, I like it. It has all of my favorite fabrics and to see them in another project gives me so much satisfaction.- that I think, I love this project. I guess sometimes when you are working with the same fabric on another project you just get overwhelmed that you need to step away from projects that drive you crazy and just relax and appreciate the beauty of each project separately.

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Posted By MegaPurplette