I Spy Quilt - QUAG - 1 Done - 3 More To Sew . . .

I Spy Quilt - QUAG - 1 Done - 3 More To Sew . . .

This year I have 4 friends who are becoming Grandmothers. I wanted to gift them each with a baby quilt. My Mentor, Fran, had mentioned to me in the past that you actually do not want to make baby quilts because they are only babies for a short time. Therefore, I thought what a better theme for Grandma to play games with her grandchild with an I Spy Quilt. In my mind I thought that I could whip up 4 quilts in 2 months. NOT! After 3 months I just finished the first one. If anything could go wrong when making a quilt, I accomplished it. I prefer to Quilt As You Go Method when making my quilts, money, time, and easier for me. One thing that I learned when putting quilts together I can design the back of my quilts too. In doing research for my current project, I found an easy block the Kings Crown for the back. (( So I thought. )) Well, my quilting Math gets me in trouble every time. I found a pattern on Pinterest for a 16 inch block. Well, when sewing it together I was so disappointed when I couldn't get the points. The Triangles were cut too short. I fixed that. Then the Kings Crown Block was bigger than the 4 I spy jars. Therefore, I lost all of my points on the Kings Crown. In a way since I lost all of my points, it looks OK. This was definitely a learning process, I corrected all of my errors and she is done. I might be making the next 3 a little different. See you soon, Keep on Creating . . . . . . ♪Hi. . .Ho. . . HI. . . .HO . . . It is off to the sewing room that I go. . . . ♫ (( Whistling )) Sending Blessings Your Way. . . .

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Posted By MegaPurplette