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My Hate/Love Project - Block of the Month

My Hate/Love Project - Block of the Month

I tried something new by attempting a Block of the Month. It is making a quilt blind. Someone gives you hints on what to you need to make their version of a quilt. I bought my fabric, Robert Kaufman's, Imperial Medallion. This Block of the Month had 2 blocks - Dancing with the Stars and Scottie Dog. Once I had all the blocks made I decided to Quilt As You Go without sashing. This is where the Hate/Love relationship developed. Trying something new only slowed me down. The fear of what have I got myself into was over whelming . Another friend just told me, " You can do this!" With a little push I quilted maybe only 2 blocks a night. In the end I love this quilt. It came out so beautiful. I learned a lot of quilting techniques and I learned a lot about myself. I am celebrating with joy and now onto my next project. . . . . .

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Posted By MegaPurplette